queerness of the inbetween
There is an innate responsibility that I feel to imbue my surroundings with magic. Thoughtfully covering surfaces with a stream of consciousness, I close my eyes and draw from memory the things I have a tender connection to. Couching my subversion to contemporary society in vibrant colors and intricate constructions, I express to others what defines my queer identity—something that is ever-evolving. Continually reanalyzing myself in relation to the objects I create allows me to question if they are protective imaginings of my identity, tools to navigate contemporary society, or the actualization of the state of equilibrium itself?
As my identity evolves, different versions of myself join me as I am inserted into spaces where I lack feelings of belonging and comfort. Together with these former selves, I use my creative practice to build objects and spaces that maintain a sense of equilibrium, a manifestation of homeostasis that negates societal expectations. I position myself and my practice in the inbetween, the grey area where I float between a range of binaries both societally and materially.
Photo by Artist
Photo by Artist
Photo by Artist
Photo by Jackson Hardin
Photo by Jackson Hardin
Photo by Jackson Hardin
Photo by Artist
Photo by Artist
Photo by Jackson Hardin
Photo by Jackson Hardin
Photo by Artist
Photo by Jackson Hardin
Photo by Artist
Photo by Artist
Photo by Jackson Hardin
The work is an act of resolution and documentation of the specificities of my identity and protective space in response to the micro-aggressions of reality. This exhibition is the purest form of myself that exists, and here is where I put it all on the table. There will never be a specific answer or definition of this place, and the constant shifting of planes and identities within the work serves as a particular validation of how I feel and how I see myself. With this work, I have developed a visual language that allows me to articulate my queer identity in social spaces, but this is just the beginning. $P4RKLE FiLTH CL0UD NiN3 is a place of worship and peace, chaotic order, a place of re-evaluation.